Five For Friday
I am teaming up again with Doodle Bugs Teaching to bring your five things about my week! 

It is our second week of school and I finally feel like I am helping teachers more! I am an Early Childhood Inclusion Education Coach and today I created a social story for one of my former students who needs practice filling his classmates and teachers bucket!  I love brainstorming with teachers and supporting them as I feel like everyone needs support and encouragement in the field of education and I am so blessed to have time to do that! 

I am armed and ready to enter our PBIS building in our district! I was on the team who created our own PBIS and implemented it in the building. It has been awesome and the kids love getting their tickets and being rewarded for positive behavior! I am so honored that they included me, as I am only in the building on certain days!

My dad is having spinal surgery next week and we pray that everything goes well and that this stops the pain that he is having that is making walking and life extremely difficult and painful! So I ask for any person who are willing to pray to say a quick prayer for my father! Thanks in advance! I know what the power of prayer can do! 

 I have been updated and adding to my Color and Number Interactive books and bundles on Teachers Pay Teachers! Included in each packet you get four total books. I really focus on differentiating my products so you can use them with as many kids as possible! With each kit you will get four books. Check them out below!
EASY: Students match color with a picture cue
MORE DIFFICULT: Color Matching. Great speech tool to increase sentence utterances.

EASY: Students work on number ID as well as color ID.

MORE DIFFICULT: Students count and find the number as well as the color.

So far I have:


With my bundle kit you will receive all the above mentioned books, which is a total of 16 for $10 which is a savings as each above kit is priced at $3 each. Get this now as I am in the process of adding a pumpkin and bat book for Halloween! I will be adding TONS more so it's well worth the $10 as you get all new books that are added and don't have to pay extra!  This price will be going up as I add new books!

I love our backyard! We live in a city but back up to a nature pressure so we get deer, sand hill cranes, blue herons and so much more! We joke and say my daughter has pet deer because we can get VERY close to them! So fun! 

I hope everyone is having a great week! 
Thanks for checking out my blog!  


  1. Wow, I would love a backyard view like that!

  2. I love this idea. My students are 3-5 nonverbal. I would love some super basic stuff
