I don't know about you but I know that this time of year is very busy and stressful with all the transition IEPs, meetings, field trips and end of the year activities.
Having meaningful work that is easy to prep is key, all the time, but especially during this time of year! Here is my spring work jobs packet at a glance! These activities are great as morning work, small group activities, literacy centers or work jobs (TEACCH activities).
You will receive 30 work jobs or Activities!Depending on what you choose to use them for!
Included in this packet:
- Color matching (4 Activities)
- Spring Matching (3 Activities)
- Alphabet Matching (4 Pages)
- How Many Jelly Beans: Counting Activity (3 Pages)
- Word/Picture sort- an, at, ab
- Addition (2 Activities)
- Subtraction (2 Activities)
- Patterning (2 Activities)
- Flower Puzzle
- Number Order 1-12 and 1-20 (2 Activities)
- Tracing Spring Words (12 words)
- Puzzles (3 Puzzles)
- ABC Order (2 Activities)
My Color Matching and Spring Matching Activities are differentiated starting with 5 pictures and advancing up to 12.
My daughter loves doing my work jobs, and so do my students!!
My number order activities are also differentiated in two different ways.
My first activity focuses on numbers 1-12 and the butterflies are color coded so if this is a new skill for your student they can relay on their color matching skill to master this task! This helps kiddos who might not fully grasp the concept feel included and feel success and independence!
My second activity uses numbers 1-20 and there are no visual cues.
This is NOT included in my packet but a great an easy activity!
I love using mini erasers anyway I can! I found these fun ones last year at Target as well as this awesome container with four compartments! I hot glued one of each eraser into the bottom of a spot and students place the corresponding erasers in that spot. The best thing about hot glue and these erasers is when you are ready to switch out the activity they come off easily and you won't be able to tell there was ever glue on them!Feel free to click on any of the pictures above or the picture below to take you to my Spring Work Jobs Packet!
Have a great, happy and STRESS FREE spring!
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