Five for Friday


I am so excited to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for my first Five for Friday weekly linky party!  I have included some random facts about my week and look forward to sharing more exciting information once school starts up again! 

My daughter is finally getting tubes next week!! HOORAY! This is so exciting for our family as she has had an ear infections since July 2nd! Poor thing! 

My committee at school got together this week, before school starts, to finalize our Positive Behavior Interventions and Support and how we will be rolling out PBIS in our building! We are so excited to have consistent rules and language throughout our entire building and in all rooms! I cannot wait to roll this out next week!! 

These are two books that I have been reading this summer to prepare for my new role as an Early Childhood Inclusive Education Coach! I am so excited about this new role and new job I will be taking at the beginning of September!

My first Donor's Choose project was fully funded! We will be having our special education students create and maintain a coffee shop for our teachers! We were inspired by Breezy Special Ed and there blog post on their coffee shop!

This is one of my favorite websites!  If you have never checked out this website and you have students with difficult behaviors bookmark this! It's free and amazing!  First you will be given a list of behaviors and when you click on the behavior you are given Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 and data tracking forms! It will give you ideas on how to support that behavior as well as suggestions and reasons why! 

Thanks for checking out my site! I look forward to having more meaningful posts soon!


  1. We started PBIS last year! It is so nice to have consistency throughout the school! We are still working out all the kinks, but for the most part, it seems to be pretty effective! Congrats on the new position. I LOVE the coffee idea! I wish you were doing it at my school!!! We've already been back for two weeks. Good luck as you get back into the swing of things! That coffee will be your best friend!! :)

    Fervent First Grade Frenzy

    1. Oh man first day down and boy will coffee be a must! So tired!!! We present all of our PBIS to our staff excited but hope they are too!

  2. Thanks for the website! I know I have some new friends coming into my room where data tracking is going to be very important!
