I know Valentine's Day is a Hallmark holiday but I love a good reason to celebrate and spread my love to my family!! This year while strolling through the Target Dollar Spot I found these awesome large envelopes for a dollar!
I bought one just because they were so darn cute but now comes the fun of finding something to do with it! I am not in the classroom anymore, but if I was I would have picked up enough for my class and put their names on the envelope and we would have used those as their Valentine Holders!
I decided to make this into a mailbox for my daughter and put something inside the envelope every morning for 14 days. I started out by securing it onto the back of her chair but then decided to put it on the wall at her level so she could check it independently.
I love a good reason to buy presents but I also know that I don't want to spoil my daughter and give her the impression that she will always gets gifts so I did buy a few items from the Dollar Tree, Target Dollar Spot, Michaels Crafts store and then found some things around the house as well!
1. Where's Is Baby's Valentine Book My daughter loves flip books, and Karen Katz books are her favorites! I couldn't pass this one up! If you are anything like me your child has TOO many books so I could easily find one we haven't read lately and put it in her envelope and she will love it just as much!
2. Valentines: Our job for the day will be to decorate Valentine's and/or sign Valentines for her friends at Day Care. She loves Mickey Mouse so I picked those out earlier at the Dollar Tree.
3. Play and Pack Grab and Go from Michael's Craft Store. These come in all cute themes: Disney, super hero, etc. Inside you get a small coloring book, crayons and stickers for the low price of $1!!
4. Kinetic Sand: While at Michael's Craft store I spotted Kinetic Sand for 70% off!! I got one pound for less than $5! I also found this awesome scrapbook paper storage container for $3.99. It was perfect and I can easily store it in the closet! I had already purchased some silver sand and the purple I bought will go nicely with the silver!
5. Pom Pom's- Yes it sounds weird but I am going to use contact paper and draw different size hearts onto itt and have my daughter put pom pom's in the hearts. We will also be working on the concept of big and little as I will be drawing different size hearts. You can find an example of using contact paper and pom poms on my blog here, I used a tree here but it will give you an idea!
6. Pictures: I'm going to print off some pictures of our family and put them into an album for my daughter to read. Right now Shutterfly is offering FREE, unlimited prints! So check them out!
7. Notes: As a 2 1/2 year old I only plan on putting one of these in her envelope but I love the idea of putting notes in her envelope regularly throughout the 14 days as she gets older! I would write words of encouragement and reasons I love her on them.
8. Paints- I purchased some CHEAP water color paints at the beginning of the school year
9. Mystery Paper: Take a blank piece of paper, a white crayon and draw a picture or a message on it. While using water color paints the picture and/or message will appear!
10. Play Dough: I will make some play dough after my daughter goes to bed and surprise her with it in the morning. You could easily pick some up at the Dollar Tree but I love knowing what I put into my foods and play dough so I like to make it myself!
11. Balloon: My daughter loves balloons so after I put her to bed I will run out to the Dollar Tree to get her a balloon! My goal is not to spend more than $10 total on all of these items!
12. Frosting/or a coupon for a baking day: We will be doing some baking today! We will be making some cup cakes for daddy and Alli!
13. Coupons: You can make coupons for anything! I plan on making her a coupon for bowling with mommy and daddy! She hasn't done this yet and I think it will be fun! You could make coupons for: dinner alone with daddy or mommy, pick the restaurant, pick the movie, pick a game for family game night, ice cream after dinner, etc!
14. Valentine Day Candy- My dad used to always buy my brother and I special candy from Fanny May for Valentine's day and I want to carry on that fun tradition. I have never been in their store so I might want to check it out soon!
These are just some of the ideas I plan on doing with my daughter but there are SO many more ideas! I can't wait till February!
waiting for it